To Register and Personalize this software, press this button. A system extension must be selected before using Trash/Delete. To Trash/Delete the selected system extension, press this button. A system extension must be selected before using Info. To Get Info about the selected system extension, press this button. A system extension must be selected before using Open. To open the selected system extension, press this button. Sorry, extension families have not been implemented in this release. To define extension families, press this button. This pop-up menu changes the way information is presented about system extensions. This pop-up menu adds, removes, renames, selects, etc. sets of system extensions. All changes will be confirmed before becoming effective. To have all changes confirmed before becoming effective, press this button. To show all items in the system extensions, control panels, etc. folders, press this button. To show only system extensions which load during startup, press this button. The name of the system extension is displayed in the menubar during startup. The use improved display format button must be checked to display names during startup. To have the name of the system extension displayed in the menubar during startup, press this button. Long system extension names are truncated in the middle. The use improved display format button and show name below icon must be checked. To have long system extension names truncated in the middle, press this button. Long system extension names are truncated at the end. The use improved display format button and show name below icon must be checked. To have long system extension names truncated at the end, press this button. The name of the system extension is displayed below the icon during startup. The use improved display format button must be checked to display names during startup. To have the name of the system extension displayed below the icon during startup, press this button. The size of the system extension is displayed below the icon during startup. The use improved display format button must be checked to display sizes during startup. To have the size of the system extension displayed below the icon during startup, press this button. System extension size and names will be displayed during startup. To show system extension sizes and names during startup, press this button.